The Selected Works of Voltarine de Cleyre

Poems, Essays, Sketches and Stories, 1885-1911

Paperback, 480 pages

English language

Published Aug. 30, 2016 by AK Press.

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“The most gifted and brilliant anarchist woman America ever produced…a forceful personality, a brilliant mind, a fervent idealist, an unflinching fighter, a devoted and loyal comrade.” —Emma Goldman

“What can you say about a forgotten genius, a feminist foremother, Yiddish-speaking French immigrant’s child, Free Love champion and Gothic poet, defender of lost causes par excellence? Don’t be fooled by the patina of dust—in certain abandoned mines, there are underground fires that are still burning.” —Jesse Cohn, author of Underground Passages: Anarchist Resistance Culture, 1848–2011

Voltairine de Cleyre was undeniably one of the most important anarchist thinkers in the US or anywhere else. Historian Paul Avrich considered her “a greater literary talent than any other American anarchist” and, moreover, a woman whose “whole life was a revolt against this system of male domination which, like every form of tyranny and exploitation, ran contrary to her anarchistic spirit.” Plagued by poverty and …

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