El juego de Ripper

477 pages

Spanish language

Published Feb. 1, 2014 by Vintage Español.

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3 stars (2 reviews)

Las mujeres de la familia Jackson siempre han sabido que podían contar la una con la otra. A pesar de la fuerza del vínculo que las une, madre e hija son como la noche del día. Indiana es una atractiva bohemia de espíritu libre, sanadora especialista en Reiki y aromaterapia, y pese a llevar tiempo separada, sigue reacia a comprometerse con alguno de los hombres que la desean: ya sea Alan, el rico vástago de una de las familias miás importantes de San Francisco, o Ryan, un enigmático y traumatizado Navy SEAL. Si Indiana suele buscar el lado bueno de las personas, Amanda, siempre fascinada por el lado oscuro, tiende a ser más como su padre, inspector de policía. Brillante e introvertida, esta estudiante del último año de instituto anda siempre con una novela negra bajo el brazo al tiempo que lidera Ripper, un juego de rol que comparte con …

20 editions

Review of 'Ripper' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

This was my first experience with Isabel Allende, and I realize, a bit late, that I started with a novel that is not at all typical of the author. This is a mystery. Actually, this long story took its time letting me know that; there are so many characters, so many quick character sketches, and so many background stories, that I could not tell what the central story would be, or where any of this was headed. In my opinion, there was nothing realistic or believable in the plot. And it was simply too long, partly because some of the character descriptions and background information seemed to be unnecessarily--reinforced. Also, almost every cast member was off-the-charts unusual.

Perhaps I don't get out enough.

So, I would not recommend this one to my friends, but I will pick up another Isabel Allende novel, in the future.

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rated it

4 stars


  • Internet games
  • Detective and mystery stories
  • Juegos de rol
  • Asesinato
  • Fiction
  • Investigation
  • Internet
  • Investigación
  • Murder
  • Role playing
  • Serial murders
  • Mystery games
  • Teenagers
  • Asesinatos en serie
  • Ficción
  • Adolescentes


  • San Francisco
  • California
  • San Francisco (Calif.)