Early Riser

A Novel

416 pages

English language

Published March 10, 2019 by Hodder & Stoughton.

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4 stars (27 reviews)

Every Winter, the human population hibernates.

During those bitterly cold four months, the nation is a snow-draped landscape of desolate loneliness, and devoid of human activity.

Well, not quite.

Your name is Charlie Worthing and it's your first season with the Winter Consuls, the committed but mildly unhinged group of misfits who are responsible for ensuring the hibernatory safe passage of the sleeping masses.

You are investigating an outbreak of viral dreams which you dismiss as nonsense; nothing more than a quirky artefact borne of the sleeping mind.

When the dreams start to kill people, it's unsettling.

When you get the dreams too, it's weird.

When they start to come true, you begin to doubt your sanity.

But teasing truth from Winter is never easy: You have to avoid the Villains and their penchant for murder, kidnapping and stamp collecting, ensure you aren't eaten by Nightwalkers whose thirst for human …

8 editions

Review of 'Early Riser' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This was a truly captivating and unique book that really has no comparison. It is a perfect mixture of whimsy and grisly bluntness that I found really charming most of the time. The world and the story is fascinating, and when it gets going, kept me engrossed. But the PACING! Never before have I considered that perhaps there's TOO much world building in a book. The sheer amount of jargon that is thrown at you, that's then subsequently explained (or worse, not explained at all, only to be gleaned from context 50 pages later) made this an extremely slow read. I was 3/4th the way into the book before I actually felt like the story moved beyond the introduction into the actual content. The final 80 pages or so are real page turners, after all of the excessive information has been saturated enough that you can understand what's going on. …

Review of 'Early Riser' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

It starts off pretty slowly but good god does it get incredible. Loved the psychological elements. Finally got me back into reading after a many year long hiatus. The ending wasn't quite as I'd hoped it to be but it was still a fine conclusion to a great story.

Review of 'Early Riser' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Where to begin? Early Riser is part science fiction, part mystery, definitely parody and all fun! Jasper Fforde always creates different realities for his stories and this time, he's outdone himself.

This is a world in which people survive a dangerous winter by bulking up, then hibernating. Sleep, perchance to dream--no, no, that's no good: dreams supposedly waste too much energy, too many calories. To increase the chances of surviving the winter, people take an expensive drug called morphenox, designed by a greedy corporation called HiberTech. Those who can afford or gain access to it, that is. And it may cause side effects, such as becoming a nightwalker, or one who never really wakes up (Nightwalkers are scary when they're hungry).

The protagonist of this zany novel is Charles Worthing, who has decided to join the Winter Consul to gain access to morphinox. It's a dangerous job that involves staying …

Review of 'Early Riser' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars


A cumbersome beginning, with a few stumbles along the way; and the interactions between characters is curiously affectless; and you’re going to need a heaping dose of Extra-Strength Disbelief-Suspensio™ because the rules of this new world aren’t even internally consistent. But I found myself not caring: the story was good, the characters interesting in themselves. A tad heavyhanded near the end (in ways that were predictable from the first few chapters), but oh god much less so than that stupid rabbit book we won’t mention. Fun plot twists, some predictable but most not: overall, it just kept getting weirder as it progressed, weirder in quirky and engaging ways. It must be interesting to have an imagination like Fforde’s, and obviously not all of it works for everyone (cough rabbit book *cough), but this one worked for me. Fforde writes with compassion and grace, and I promise you that …

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  • Fiction, dystopian