On My Koreader Fiction 2024 Public

Created by Frecklemaid

  1. Beyond Apollo by 

    4 stars

    A two-man mission to Venus fails and is aborted; when it returns, the Captain is missing and the other astronaut, …

  2. The Blade Itself by  (The First Law, #1)

    4 stars

    Logen Ninefingers, infamous barbarian, has finally run out of luck. Caught in one feud too many, he’s on the verge …

  3. Blindsight by 

    4 stars

    Two months since the stars fell...

    Two months since sixty-five thousand alien objects clenched around the Earth like a luminous …

  4. Cat's Cradle by 

    4 stars

    Cat's Cradle is Kurt Vonnegut's satirical commentary on modern man and his madness. An apocalyptic tale of this planet's ultimate …

  5. The Dancers at the End of Time by  (S.F.Masterworks S.)

    4 stars

  6. Tales of the Dying Earth by  (Millennium Fantasy Masterworks)

    4 stars

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