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Derek Caelin Locked account

Joined 2 years, 7 months ago

Seeking a Solarpunk Future

Sci Fi | Cozy Fic | Sustainable Living | Classics | Green Energy | He/Him/His.

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2024 Reading Goal

30% complete! Derek Caelin has read 16 of 52 books.

Marc Léopold Benjamin Bloch: The historian's craft (1964, Vintage Books.) 4 stars

In this classic work, distinguished French economic historian, Marc Bloch, discusses the techniques of historical …

Let us guard against stripping our science of its share of poetry. Let us also beware of the inclination, which I have detected in some, to be ashamed of this poetic quality. It would be sheer folly to suppose that history, because it appeals strongly to the emotions, is less capable of satisfying the intellect.

The historian's craft by  (Page 8)

Marc Léopold Benjamin Bloch: The historian's craft (1964, Vintage Books.) 4 stars

In this classic work, distinguished French economic historian, Marc Bloch, discusses the techniques of historical …

This book is wild. The author, a French historian, muses about the craft of history - its purpose and functions. The year is 1941. A year before, the Germans had marched into Paris. Three years later, Bloch will be dead - an executed member of the Resistance. It gives the books real poignancy.

Deb Chachra: How Infrastructure Works (2023, Penguin Publishing Group) 5 stars

A new way of seeing the essential systems hidden inside our walls, under our streets, …

It's easy to take artificial light for granted and never think about what an enabling technology it is to be able to see equally well whether it's day or night or, for that matter, in any closed interior space. It's not a survival need, but seeing in the dark is effectively a superpower. While light has been scarce and expensive for almost all of human history, the past two centuries or so saw the cost of light (the price per lumen-hour) drop by a factor of ten thousand.

How Infrastructure Works by  (Page 25)

I never really thought of the cost of light

Nick Groom: Tolkien in the Twenty-First Century (2023, Pegasus Books) 4 stars

What is it about Middle-Earth and its inhabitants that has captured the imagination of millions …

Often Insightful, Occasionally Absurd

4 stars

Groom's book looks at the background of Tolkien's legendarium, the way the text evolved over the years and decades, depiction of Tolkien's work in media, and the applicability of various themes as they apply today. I most enjoyed the history of the changing text. Aragorn was at one point a Hobbit named Trotter! Frodo was Bingo, Bilbo's son! It gave me insight into Tolkien's process of writing, which is to say, he wrote something, and then edited, then edited again. In this book he comes accross, not as a "grand architect", with everything planned in advance, but a tinkerer constantly changing, reworking, and rediscovering his text. Groom reveals how the process took decades, during which finances, overcommittment in work, and general life challenges made it nearly impossible to make progress on the text. I came away with a profound appreciation and wonder that Tolkien actually managed to finish "Lord of …

Nick Groom: Tolkien in the Twenty-First Century (2023, Pegasus Books) 4 stars

What is it about Middle-Earth and its inhabitants that has captured the imagination of millions …

If the War of the Ring can be considered a just war, there are nevertheless important caveats. First, the allies of the West use the Rangers of Ithilien as masked and camouflaged resistance fighters to ambush troops on the move, which could equally be considered terrorism - as suggested by Kirill Yeskov's novel The Last Ringbearer (1999), a rewrite of The Return of the King from the point of view of the Orcs.

Tolkien in the Twenty-First Century by  (Page 274)

I read this line and turned to my wife with all the fury of a man who received a B+ in "The Fundamentals of International Law" in undergrad.

"Terrorism"? The Geneva Conventions, to which Gondor is a signatory party, clearly state a lawful combatant is i) commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates, ii) has a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance, iii) carries arms openly, and iv) conducts operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war. Mordor is going to claim terrorism because Captain Faramir, leader of a military unit with a clear chain of command, each of whom bears the sigil of the tree of Gondor, hid in some bushes before they attacked an occupying force?

Any credible judge would laugh that claim straight out of court. Absurd.

Nick Groom: Tolkien in the Twenty-First Century (2023, Pegasus Books) 4 stars

What is it about Middle-Earth and its inhabitants that has captured the imagination of millions …

I appreciate how this book catalogues the effort of writing The Lord of the Rings. The constant revisions - Frodo was originally Bingo, Bilbo's son! Aragorn was once a Hobbit named Trotter with wooden shoes! - reveal how much the work was produced by feeling a story out and constantly revising it. Combined with the extraordinary overcommitment of Tolkien to his job as an academic, his own health and his wife's, and the numerous publications he either authored or edited, I am flabbergasted LotR was ever finished. There was just so much to do, and no efficient way to do it. I've tried much more modest writing projects and ended up curled into a little ball.

Deb Chachra: How Infrastructure Works (2023, Penguin Publishing Group) 5 stars

A new way of seeing the essential systems hidden inside our walls, under our streets, …

My friend Helen Macdonald's writing about the natural environment has influenced how I think about infrastructural systems. A forest is home to trees, plants, fungi, and lichen, as well as to birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians, small and large mammals, and more, each of which is in an ongoing ecological relationship with the others. Every forest is a hyperobject, an enormously complex environment that's shaped not just by its location, landscape, and climate but also by the history of humans in that place. If you go on a walk in the woods, what you see depends on the season and the particular path you take through it. More than anything, though, what you see in the woods depends on the eyes that you are seeing it through. A birder, a hunter, an entomologist, a soil ecologist, a real estate developer, and an artist will all see different things. Helen introduced me to Richard Mabey's idea that the natural world can only be understood and appreciated as a re- sult of careful, knowledgeable attention. Without the ability to describe the differences with detail and specificity, a meadow of native grasses and the pesticide-soaked monoculture of a golf course that replaces it are effectively indistinguishable.

How Infrastructure Works by  (Page 15)