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I'm a stressed out mom that works way too much and uses reading as my escape time. I've been really enjoying picking up books that I know absolutely nothing about other than the title and giving it a go. This book roulette has been helping me push my boundaries and read books I likely never would have picked up before.

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41% complete! KnitAFett has read 41 of 100 books.

reviewed The Housemaid's Secret by Freida McFadden (The Housemaid, #2)

Freida McFadden: The Housemaid's Secret (Paperback, 2023, Bookouture) 3 stars

Too many annoying parts.

3 stars

I enjoyed the first book and wanted to read this one, too, especially with the 3rd one coming out. Which I will still read even though I didn't really care for this one. This series is like soap opera in a book. I do not want to think about it too much because I know it will fall apart, and I just want to enjoy the ride and have some fun.

Overall, I did not hate this book. I cannot justify giving it more than 3 stars, though, due to the following points:


Wendy's POV - I just wanted to strangle her during her chapters where you see what was going on from her perspective. I wasn't bothered that this was done again, but at least in the first book with Nina, you felt bad for what she went through. Wendy is just a narcissistic …

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Veo Corva: The Old Goat and the Alien 5 stars

Avari keeps to themself. They're a goat-shape cosmoran, a member of the Cleaners' Union, and …

Yet another V banger

5 stars

V is excellent as always.

Going in blindish, I expected a bit more scifi based on the title - instead, I got a wonderful, wholesome space fantasy.

True to form, the characters really shine, and there's a lot for me to identify with in Avari. It was fun to explore a new setting, and although this time the plot didn't have the epic scope of The Beautiful Decay, I was thoroughly invested in the outcome.

Go read The Old Goat and the Alien!

Mona Awad: Bunny (Hardcover, 2019, Viking) 5 stars

Samantha Heather Mackey couldn't be more of an outsider in her small, highly selective MFA …

Wtf was this even, but in a good way.

4 stars

This book should be the definition of a fever dream. I have no idea what was going on. But I was fully invested in the characters and the story. The writing was fantastic. Awad did an amazing job with really immersing your view as the MC is being absorbed into the Bunnies.

I just have no idea if this was schizophrenia (which is referenced MANY times throughout the book) or magical realism. I spent the whole book wondering if this was actually happening or not because of some of the events that go on. An absolute trip. Highly recommend.

reviewed Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card (Ender's Saga, #2)

Orson Scott Card: Speaker for the Dead (1991, TOR) 4 stars

Speaker for the Dead is a 1986 science fiction novel by American writer Orson Scott …

Very different from Ender's Game

4 stars

I can fully understand why some people that loved Ender's Game were disappointed in this book. Going from a very war-driven tense book to this one that focuses on Ender trying to make up for the past and the moral issues that go with wiping out a species is a big jump. I personally loved this one and Ender's Game.

My biggest gripe with this book would be that Novinha, the main female character, fell kind of flat for me. She lost her parents at a young age after they found a cure for the disease that was wiping out their whole colony, and then isolated herself completely from everyone while following in her parent's footsteps. And this is what makes Ender fall in love with her. Other than occasional mentions of her discoveries, she's a very plain character that seems to mostly be there for Ender's story to move …