Reviews and Comments

The Reading Seamstress

Joined 8 months ago

Favourites: Historical Fiction, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Mystery, Spooky Stuff.



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Nekesa Afia: Dead Dead Girls (Paperback, 2021, Berkley) 3 stars

Harlem, 1926. Young Black women like Louise Lloyd are ending up dead.

Following a harrowing …

Has potential.

3 stars

The story was engaging enough to keep me reading, and I finished the book pretty fast. However, the characters imho would have needed more development and depth, the plot and characters' decisions sometimes didn't make sense at all, and the ending felt kinda abrupt and rushed. The writing style was at times confusing and repetitive. In the end I was left with so many questions concerning the murders, the whys and hows. On the plus side, we get queer Black characters and a glimpse into 1920s Harlem. I will certainly read the next book in the series because I want to know how it all further develops - the story as well as the writing.

started reading The Mystery of the Sorrowful Maiden by Kate Saunders (The Laetitia Rodd Mysteries, #3)

Kate Saunders: The Mystery of the Sorrowful Maiden (Paperback, 2022, Bloomsbury) 4 stars

In the spring of 1853, private detective Laetitia Rodd receives a delicate request from a …

Book 3 in the Laetitia Rodd series... When googling for info on another one, I learnt that the author has passed away last year. How tragic, and how sad that there'll be no more Laetitia Rodd mysteries. I greatly enjoyed book 1 and 2.

Barron, Stephanie: Jane and the Unpleasantness at Scargrave Manor (Hardcover, 1997, Wheeler Pub Inc) 3 stars

For everyone who loves Jane Austen...a marvelously entertaining new series that turns the incomparable author …

Cosy (?) regency era mystery, let's go! I've been keen on reading this for a while, one reason being that it's a series of 15 (fifteen!) books, and I just love reading historical mysteries, so the more of it, the better.

stopped reading Saturn Run by John Sandford

John Sandford, Ctein: Saturn Run (2015, G.P. Putnam's Sons) 4 stars

The year is 2066. A Caltech intern inadvertently notices an anomaly from a space telescope—something …

Not even 100 pages in and the characters are annoying me so much that I don't really want to read on... I don't care what happens to them. I also do not particularly enjoy the writing style, so I guess this book is not for me.