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bodems's books

2024 Reading Goal

bodems has read 0 of 12 books.

Montgomery, Nick (Community organizer), carla bergman: Joyful militancy (2017) 5 stars

"Why do radical movements and spaces sometimes feel laden with fear, anxiety, suspicion, self-righteousness, and …

Within the Spinozan current, friendship is being revalued: not as a bond between individuals, but as an ethical relation that remakes us, together, in an ongoing process of becoming otherwise. Similarly, feminist philosopher Donna Haraway has argued that “making kin” across divides of species, nation, gender, and other borders is perhaps the most urgent task today. Through friendship or kinship we undo ourselves and become new, in potentially radical and dangerous ways. In this sense, friendship is at the root of freedom.

Joyful militancy by , (Anarchist interventions -- 07) (Page 42)

Roman Danyluk: Blues der Städte (Paperback, Deutsch language, 2019, Edition AV) No rating

Infolge der globalen Sozialrevolte 1967/68 nahmen junge Menschen in vielen westlichen Ländern den bewaffneten Kampf …

Diese Linksradikalen waren noch kein fester Zusammenhang und hatten auch noch keine gemeinsam entwickelte Strategie. Ihr Kampf war vorerst eher sporadisch und folgte keinem schlüssigen Konzept. Sie suchten zunächst auch nicht die Nähe zu den antiimperialistischen Stadtguerillaorganisationen RAF und Bewegung 2. Juni, was auf Gegenseitigkeit beruhte. Vorläufig mussten sich die militanten Linksradikalen in den Neuen Sozialen Bewegungen mit den überall dominierenden Grünen, Bunten und Alternativen herumplagen.

Blues der Städte by  (Page 322)

Montgomery, Nick (Community organizer), carla bergman: Joyful militancy (2017) 5 stars

"Why do radical movements and spaces sometimes feel laden with fear, anxiety, suspicion, self-righteousness, and …

What could it mean to be militant or fiercely committed to all this? Is it possible to be militant about creativity and care? Can militancy be something that is responsive and relationship-based? Can people be militant about joy?

Joyful militancy by , (Anarchist interventions -- 07) (Page 30)