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ghose 📚

Joined 2 years, 1 month ago

son ghose, aka @ghose

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ghose 📚's books

Currently Reading

2024 Reading Goal

66% complete! ghose 📚 has read 8 of 12 books.

Christie Aschwanden: Good to Go (Hardcover, 2019, W. W. Norton & Company) 5 stars

mood, on the other hand, appears to be almost an index measure of all the inputs that go into recovery

Good to Go by  (Page 386 - 532)

Some things you learn the hard way by experience. This is one of them. This book is hard to swallow for the Fitness Industry (and too many athletes that focus on nuances and not the greater picture)

Este libro resume 25 anos de experiencia persoal. Di moitas cousas que fun aprendendo (polas boas e polas malas)

Robert Louis Stevenson, Xavier Alcalá: A illa do tesouro (Paperback, Edicións Xerais) 4 stars

le a novela e pásao ben, abonda

4 stars

[...] Non hai drama, nin reflexión, hai acción. Movémonos coas ondas e a brisa do mar, cos arumes dos pinos, do sal, e do ron. Lemos os xogos de enganos e artimañas das que se valen os protagonistas (todo pirolos) para sobrevivir aos acontecementos. Asistimos, abraiados, á valentía e coraxe do nóso heróe, como por instinto e serindipia parece determinar os acontecementos. [...]

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Robin Wall Kimmerer: Braiding Sweetgrass (Hardcover, 2020, Milkweed Editions) 5 stars

Updated with a new introduction from Robin Wall Kimmerer, the special edition of Braiding Sweetgrass, …


5 stars

I missed out on the opportunity to borrow this book, highly recommended by a beautiful friend, in its original publication a couple of years ago so almost-literally leapt at the chance to review a NetGalley copy of the new Penguin publication. I'm so glad that I did! Robin Wall Kimmerer's life philosophies and the way in which she looks to plant wisdom for answers to human social and environmental problems are exactly what we need to be exploring right now, especially as people want new lifestyle choices in the wake of the epidemic. I began reading Braiding Sweetgrass wondering if this might be too 'hippy' a book for me to really get into. Within a hundred pages I was totally engrossed in every word Kimmerer wrote and frequently found myself nodding in enthusiastic agreement with her.

Kimmerer discusses ancient Native American ideas and practices, showing how the ideas behind them …

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commented on Good to Go by Christie Aschwanden

Christie Aschwanden: Good to Go (Hardcover, 2019, W. W. Norton & Company) 5 stars

When I read something like:

"As far as the body is concerned, stress is stress—it doesn't matter if it comes from a session of intervals or from the emotional strain of a romantic breakup, says John Kiely, an Irish sports scientist and performance coach who's worked with world- class athletes in numerous sports, including rugby and track"

it remainds me "calorie is a calorie wherever it comes from". My ass (excuse me). So "stress is stress"? I'm not sure. I can cope far better with phisical stress than with mental stress

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commented on Good to Go by Christie Aschwanden

Christie Aschwanden: Good to Go (Hardcover, 2019, W. W. Norton & Company) 5 stars

por agora todo é "non hai evidencia científica que soporte que Xxxx mellora a recuperación", sendo Xxxx todas esas cousas que nos venden (literalmente). Nin meterlle proteínas ou comer xusto despois de adestrar (a non ser que vaias repetir en poucas horas); nin o frío/xeo; beber _gatorades tampouco; ... TODO MAL.

Nada, algo haberá, digo eu. A ver se vai resultar que tirarse no sofá patas parriba un par de horas é o que mellor nos recupera XD Espero non estar facendo spoiler

Antia Yañez Rodriguez: Senlleiras (Paperback, Editorial Galaxia, S.A.) 4 stars


A novela das mulleres que rachan co silencio. Unha …

"novela-denuncia" dunha causa xusta (respeto polas mulleres)

4 stars

Eu: aquí, pensando.


Non son quen de sintetizar en dous párrafos o que denuncia esta novela: a discriminación das mulleres en todos os eidos polo feito de selo. A novela por o foco na violencia física e psicolóxica que algúns (demasiados) maridos exercen sobre as súas(!) mulleres.

Not all men!! (escoito)

Pois claro que non. Falamos dos roles asignados polo sistema establecido. Noutras sociedades son (foron, serán) diferentes, e o relevante é que os sistemas e as relacións sociais poden cambiarse de xeito consciente. Non é designio divino(!), nin tampouco a Selección Natural (forza motora da evolución), que de todo se escoita.

Tamén hai mulleres malas!!! (escoito)

Pois claro. O tema é parecido (en termos de xeneralización) ao listos/tontos/ignorantes/palurdos/traballadores/you-name-it que son outros pobos. Os centroeuropeos son moi traballadores e moi produtivos!! (escoito). Aquí se vive mejor!!. My ass.

Xa estou a misturar auga con aceite. …