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Joined 9 months, 2 weeks ago

Primarily a horror reader, but always down for some historical fiction and gay stuff.

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mikerickson's books

S. A. Cosby: Blacktop Wasteland (2020, Flatiron Books) 4 stars


4 stars

We've seen this story before. Ex-criminal gets out of the life and manages to go legit, but they eventually find themselves in a financial pinch. They hear the siren call of their old ways pulling them back for ~one more job~, but then things spiral out of control. It's a good story, so that's why it's been done before and why we'll see it again.

What sets this one apart for me personally is a satisfyingly interesting protagonist. Beauregard ("Bug" to his friends) is known for being a competent getaway driver, but he's a lot more than that. He is a meticulous planner who layers contingencies upon contingencies and has borderline eidetic memory which helps him come up with airtight schemes, so long as everyone sticks to the plan. Unfortunately, not everyone else can.

This is a tense and violent book, reminiscent of Pulp Fiction with regional crime lords sending …

Lorraine Daston: Rivals (2023, Columbia Global Reports) 3 stars


3 stars

When you think about it, "the scientific community" is a really nebulous concept, and it is odd that it exists at all considering it ignores national boundaries, doesn't share a common language or faith, and doesn't have an overall "ruler" for lack of a better term. There's no "Pope" of science, and everyone who engages in that community are simultaneously in cooperation with each other peer-reviewing work and replicating others' experiments, but also in competition with each other over scarce grants and research contracts.

This short book did a good job giving an overview of the history of how scientists deal with each other. It felt a touch euro-centric, but when your starting point is in the 18th century when colonial powers were kinda at their height and already disproportionately important on the world stage maybe that's unavoidable. Also wish it had attempted to peek into the near future a …

Garrison Keillor: Guy Noir and the straight skinny (2012, Penguin Books) 3 stars


2 stars

Came for a fun parody of the noir detective genre, got a weird incoherent pontificating mess instead.

I partially read a physical version of this book and partially listened to an audio recording of it which was probably the worst way to consume this media after I learned that it was an audio drama first that was later novelized. Consequently it was hard going back and forth because the audio version was essentially only the dialogue bits with all of the added prose present in the book form cut out. But I don't know that my overall rating would've been affected had I stuck to one medium all the way through.

This story leans on a lot of the old tropes you know from noir fiction: underworld crime bosses sending goons to rough people up, crooked cops, mysterious and sultry women with ulterior motives, etc. But it's also kind of …

reviewed The Last Colony by John Scalzi (Old Man's War, #3)

John Scalzi: The Last Colony (2007) 4 stars

Retired from his fighting days, John Perry is now village ombudsman for a human colony …


3 stars

You know how sometimes you don't feel like getting into anything too engrossing or mentally taxing but instead just wanna enjoy something mindless? Military sci-fi tends to be that genre for me, specifically delivered in one of those squat mass market paperbacks. Having already read the first two books in this series, this seemed like the right time to pick through the third.

Our returning main character from the first book is retired ex-military now though, and gets roped into a civilian colony project that quickly spirals into a, "what isn't our government telling us?" mystery with a series of tense backroom discussions. Which is to say this is a more political and dramatic story than I was expecting, and the sole action scene at the climax felt a little rushed and unearned. Oddly, this also didn't feel like a blatant setup for an immediate sequel neither.

All in all …

Daniel Kraus: Whalefall (AudiobookFormat, 2023, Simon & Schuster Audio and Blackstone Publishing) 4 stars


5 stars

A good book might reveal something about yourself that you didn't know already, but I think a good book can also reinforce something you already knew about yourself. For me, it is the fact that I never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever want to go scuba diving.

This book was marketed as Horror/Thriller for some reason, but I think this sits squarely in the Wilderness Survival genre, which I've read before. Unlike The Revenant or The North Passage however, this extreme scenario didn't take place over days or weeks, but more like 90 in-fiction minutes that I honestly found quite harrowing (I'd never imagined the phrase, "palm meat" before, and I don't think I want to again).

But there's more going on than just the pivotal moment literally depicted on the (very cool) cover. Our protagonist is a bitter teenager who had a very difficult relationship with his father that …

Coates, John: Problem of Twelve (2023, Columbia Global Reports) 4 stars


4 stars

I did learn a lot from reading this one, which is my usual metric for rating nonfiction, but I'm also aware that a lot went clean over my head. Maybe I just didn't have enough baseline knowledge to come into this one. All the stuff with index funds and ETFs was familiar and interesting, but I wasn't at all equipped to follow the private equity half of the book. (Which I guess I shouldn't be too hard on myself for that, considering private equity's whole business model is based upon secrecy and not disclosing things to the public).

The idea that index funds and private equity firms are simultaneously attacked by politicians on either end of the spectrum, but also exert too much influence on the economy despite actively trying not to draw too much attention on themselves was an interesting argument to make. And for what it's worth, I …