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Joined 4 months, 2 weeks ago

Experimenting with moving my "want to read" list here.

With luck, this might also encourage me to read more regularly, to balance the ambitious addition of books to said reading list against my recent reading habits...

I guess we'll see about that.

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projectgus's books

Currently Reading

Max Brooks: World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War (2007) 4 stars

“The end was near.” —Voices from the Zombie War

The Zombie War came unthinkably close …

One for US military enthusiasts

2 stars

Some time in the 2000s I remember stumbling on a lengthy set of Reddit posts asking "what if a force of modern US Marines found themselves stranded in Ancient Rome?". Much of this book is that, but for the zombie apocalypse. If you enjoyed that Reddit series then you'll probably enjoy this in the same way.

At other points in this fictional "oral history" I found myself thinking fondly of the late Studs Terkel's engrossing (real) oral history book Hard Times. I noticed Studs was thanked in the Afterword (along with George Romero, obvs). Hard Times is a classic because it captures different overlapping experiences of the Great Depression in people's own words, recorded by the author with dignity and respect. I think Max Brooks aimed for a fictional form of this, but missed the heart and soul of it - overlapping accounts of the same experience told by real, …