Deirdre Le Faye

Author details

Oct. 26, 1933
Aug. 16, 2020

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Deirdre Le Faye (26 October 1933 – 16 August 2020) was an English writer and literary critic. She was born in Bournemouth and raised in Farnborough and Reading, during the bombing raids of the Second World War. After her father died of illness, she left school at 16 and began a secretarial course as a scholarship student. She began work as an administrative assistant for the Department of Medieval & Later Antiquities at the British Museum.It was while working there that she began to join archaeological digs on weekends and holidays, as a way to take inexpensive vacations. She became a member of the Camden History Society and began to research graves and inscriptions. An interest in Jane Austen was rekindled, which led to her making contact with Austen family descendants living near Winchester. Using papers in the attic of these Austen-Leigh heirs, over the course of five years of weekends, while working full time at the British Museum, she updated and rewrote Jane Austen: A Family Record (1989). It was expanded, revised, and republished as A Family Record (2003), a factual biography of Austen. She updated R. W. Chapman's published collection of Jane Austen's letters twice, in 1995 and …

Books by Deirdre Le Faye