Mañana, y mañana, y mañana

Paperback, 504 pages

Español language

Published Feb. 22, 2023 by Alianza Editorial.

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4 stars (32 reviews)

Una apasionante historia sobre los videojuegos, la amistad y la superación

Un gélido día de diciembre de su primer año en Harvard, Sam Masur sale de un vagón de metro y ve, entre las hordas de gente que esperan en el andén, a Sadie Green. La llama a gritos. Por un momento, ella hace como que no lo ha oído, pero entonces se vuelve y empieza la partida: una colaboración legendaria que los lanzará al estrellato. Piden dinero prestado, favores y, antes incluso de graduarse, firman su primera superproducción: Ichigo, un juego en el que uno puede escapar de los confines del cuerpo y las traiciones del corazón, en el que la muerte no significa más que una oportunidad para recomenzar y volver a jugar.

Esta novela narra la historia de los mundos perfectos que construyen Sam y Sadie, el mundo imperfecto en el que viven y de todo lo …

10 editions

As addictive as a good videogame

5 stars

This is one of those books that attracts you from the very beginning and you can't stop reading (until you realise that you don't want it to end that soon, either!). An interesting and well-written story that follows the successes and failures of its complex characters, driven by their passion for video games and full of lights and shadows. This is a story about gamers, and video games. But it also about life, passion, success and failure but, above all, about human relationships, and lives and worlds that could be but are not. Like a video game with the greatest engine: our imagination. Like a book.

Review of 'Mañana, y mañana, y mañana' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I loved reading this book. One of the best books that I have read (which aren't many). I loved the writing. It shows the author is just brilliant. She did such a great job at making you experience the world she created in the book.

The book has great starts and you are grasped from the first chapter, but it becomes amazingly great after the mid. Last few chapters are so creatively written, Wow! So inspiring.

Videojuegos y egos

3 stars

3,5 El libro es sencillo de leer, entretenido sobre todo para una friki como yo. Desarrolladores de videojuegos, personalidades fuertes, traumas, egos. Me enganchó bastante al principio, pero la segunda mitad va decayendo. Los eventos empiezan a no tener sentido, los personajes se van quedando sin contenido y, al final, me quedo con la sensación de que no ha sido todo lo redondo que podía haber sido.

Review of 'Mañana, y mañana, y mañana' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I loved all the gaming parts, I felt like I "learned" a lot while it being very enjoyable to read, the characters by their stories and different ways of thinking brought a lot too, I felt connected to them, even though I did not cry at the sad parts so not that much connected maybe lol but I rec this very much to anyone really

Review of 'Mañana, y mañana, y mañana' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Ta książka nie jest wybitna, ale w czasie, kiedy potrzebowałam odpoczynku, wciągnęła mnie bardzo.
Miejscami dobra, nawet w wielu miejscach. Czasami gubi tempo, czasami jest bardzo przewidywalna. Ale ma w sobie to coś.
Niektóre postacie źle napisane, inne dały mi do myślenia (Sam, I feel you) albo je polubiłam.
Wciągnęła, rozśmieszyła, wzruszyła.
TW: śmierć, przemoc seksualna, samobójstwo

Review of 'Mañana, y mañana, y mañana' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Thoroughly enjoyed this read. The alternate history with firm moorings in actual video game development timelines made it feel very grounded and relatable. The principals are all folks with whom I would enjoy having as friends, making it all the more wrenching as they encounter their various heartbreaks and difficulties loving each other as well as they might wish. (And I want to play most of the fictional games!) The Sadie/Sam "we love each other deeply but are never together romantically" angle was refreshing; that sort of dynamic seems underexplored in fiction. Great stuff.

Review of 'Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

The games we play are models of human behavior and so they can also be a structure to build a novel on. The poignancy is, of course, the difference between a game and life and death itself.
in medias res
Grand Guignol

Review of 'Mañana, y mañana, y mañana' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Just a few pages before the end there’s what I think is an exquisitely meta moment: Sadie recognized the look in Destiny’s eyes. She knew what it was to be ravenous with ambition but to have your reach exceed your grasp. I’m 99% sure this is Zevin winking at the reader. Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow is tremendously ambitious, and not entirely successful, and Zevin is clearly self-aware enough to know this, while also knowing that her aspirations make the world a better place.

Imperfect, but so is life, and despite the gaming themes this is entirely a book about the oh-so-messy real world. A stunningly perceptive and mature one. I did not always like the characters, but I loved them. They’re complex, troubled, inconsistently kind one moment and assholes the next. Their (lack of) communication skills had me gritting my teeth and sending exasperated late-night emails to a friend: …

Review of 'Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is the first book in a while that I've had trouble putting down, it kept me reading later than I intended more than once. It's a complex, touching story about friendship and the value of play, which spans several decades. During that time Sam and Sadie meet, have quarrels, make up again, quarrel again, fall in love with other people, and make video games both together and separately.

It's set in the world of video game development so knowing some of those terms probably helps a little but I don't think it's really necessary; it's more about creating art together than the games themselves. (The game making is a little simplified, and as someone who works in the game industry I found it a little unbelievable in places - making an MMO with the staff they appeared to have? No way.) But waving those beside in suspension of disbelief, …

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  • American literature
  • nyt:combined-print-and-e-book-fiction=2022-07-24
  • New York Times bestseller
  • Videojuegos
