Trail Through Time

320 pages

English language

Published Jan. 4, 2015 by Accent Press Limited.

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4 stars (12 reviews)

5 editions

Review of 'Trail Through Time' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

At this point, I think the appeal of this series is the author's strength at writing the time travel scenes. I find it actually baffling that she is so strong at that - the Pompeii scene in particular made me feel like I was also there dodging falling volcanic ash - and yet the actual plot with St. Mary's and the Time Police is just confusing as hell. I almost feel like it's two different people contributing to the story because one aspect is so clear and vivid but the actual storyline is told through half sentences, ellipses, and feelings. I still don't have a clear idea of what goes so wrong that they want to disband the Time Police. I guess Ronan doesn't exist in this timeline, since he got literally one mention, and for that I am grateful because I was already tired of him from the previous …

Review of 'Trail Through Time' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Neutral: Totally not where I thought this series might be going.
Positive: Totally not where I thought this series might be going.
Positive?!: That. Trope.

There's a certain writer's cheat, a trope in time travel stories that shows up from time to time that I really hate, effectively structuring in a no-price/it-was-just-a-dream equivalent. This is the first time I've seen that trope properly subverted, and it was bloody well done.

So, 100+ ticky boxes against, and this on novel with a ticky box for, "Damn, that was some fine structure and investment there."

In less cantankerous assessment, across this whole series I've been enjoying the means-and-methods subset of, "How do we do stuff without modern stuff?" This novel may just be my high point for, "That sideline was insane/excellent."

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  • Fiction, humorous, general