The Ugly Duchess

Published June 2, 2012 by Avon.

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3 stars (4 reviews)

1 edition

Review of 'The Ugly Duchess' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Havng read and loved all of Eloisa James’ fairy tale books thus far, it was a complete surprise to find just how much I hated The Ugly Duchess. Built on a premise that I find distasteful, marriage by fraud, this book started at a low point and never rose above it. I’m still not clear why everyone thought Theo was so ugly, other than everyone said she was so it must be true. If you're going to make her ugly, make her ugly. Give her a lazy eye, buck teeth and a hairy mole. Don't just make her statuesque, which was what she was, as far as I could tell.
Meanwhile James was a wimp when it came to facing his father, and then Theo. The only part of the book I enjoyed was when James was living as a pirate and that was only because I didn’t have to …

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