Reviews and Comments


Joined 1 year, 5 months ago

👋 I am Bodo, Father of a 6-year-old, working as a Full-Stack Freelancer in Berlin. Mostly doing #Elixir and #react.

I am a CODA, and I'm the admin of

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Dr. med. Vitor Gatinho: Wenn die Laus juckt und der Zahn wackelt (2024, Gräfe und Unzer) 4 stars

In diesem lang ersehnten Nachfolgebuch des Bestsellers “Wenn der Rotz läuft und der Pups drückt” …


4 stars

Ganz okay, aber ein paar Dinge sind bisserl veraltet und sollten nicht in einem Buch stehen, das 2024 veröffentlicht wurde.

Zum Beispiel existiert "Asperger-Syndrom" seit 2022 schon nicht mehr in der ICD, diese Bezeichnung ist schwierig aus sehr vielen Gründen, die eigentlich dem Autor bekannt sein sollten.

Jo Lücke: Für Sorge (Paperback, Knaur HC) 5 stars

Der Ratgeber zu den Streitthemen Vereinbarkeit, Care-Arbeit und Mental Load

Equal Care: Der Paradigmenwechsel als …

Theorie und Praxis super vereint

5 stars

Das Buch ist eine perfekte Mischung. Das erste drittel mit Theoretischen Teil und der rest praktische Tipps wie das Familienleben fair strukturiert werden kann. Soo gut.

Kent Beck: Tidy First? (2023, O'Reilly Media, Incorporated) 4 stars

Messy code is a nuisance. "Tidying" code, to make it more readable, requires breaking it …

Two books for one, one better than the other

4 stars

This is hard...not sure how to rate this one. The first half is a 13/10, it gives words to things that I do based on intuition. Which is the most valuable kind of book for experienced developers. The second part somehow feels off. It tries to add a business case to the first half of the book. But fails to explain it to people who don't have some form of business background. I heard the feedback from two other developers that they didn't get that part at all. Which is sad because if they had, it would have made the book even more valuable for them. I think Kent might need to revisit that part with some feedback from readers and can make it work. There is value in those chapters. It just needs a bit of tidying up.

Cory Doctorow: The Lost Cause (TOR) 4 stars

It’s thirty years from now. We’re making progress, mitigating climate change, slowly but surely. But …

Sadly this is not sci fi

4 stars

This books world is basically what I imagine the near future to be like. So it’s a bit depressing but sprinkled with tons of hope.

Loved every page of it. The last star missing is basically the sometimes preachy tone of explanation how the world ended up like it did in the book.