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Ira Levin: A Kiss Before Dying (2003, Carroll & Graf) 4 stars

A Kiss Before Dying is the story of young man who has just come out …

Review of 'A Kiss Before Dying' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This book is absolutely lovely. From Levin's perfectly balanced prose, through the well-rounded characters, to the masterful tension maintained throughout. The only thing I didn't like was that it has a (mostly) happy ending, with the antagonist being poetically defeated thanks to the hard work and cunning of a clever amateur detective. In terms of genre, it mostly jumps between being a detective story (which usually demands a neatly wrapped-up ending to some degree) and a crime story (which just demands a bloody ending, not necessarily a neat one). Not that the two can't coexist, and they do so very well in this novel, but the ending seems to try for both. Especially when considering that final chapter, which reintroduces some messiness (what will they tell Bud's mom?) after everything was tied up with a bow in the preceding chapters (Bud dies, but accidentally - nobody needs to get their …