Reviews and Comments


Joined 10 months, 1 week ago

PhD quantum physicist surviving a Non-Ac pivot to government by running and listening to Sci Fi/Fantasy/books based in other cultures audiobooks.


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China Miéville: The Scar (Paperback, 2004, Del Rey) 4 stars

A mythmaker of the highest order, China Mieville has emblazoned the fantasy novel with fresh …

An intoxicating strange fiction, building slowly but finishing well #Bookstodon

4 stars

China Miéville, in standard practice, creates a sepia-toned and detailed world while telling an intricate story

Silvia Moreno-Garcia: Silver Nitrate (Hardcover, 2023, Del Rey) 4 stars

Montserrat has always been overlooked. She’s a talented sound editor, but she’s left out of …

As always, a fun jaunt to Mexico by Moreno-Garcia, however this foray into "horror" was not my thing. The magical lacked the detailed complexity I would have expected from the author. She did write one of the protagonists, Tristán, masterfully as a total dick.

Silvia Moreno-Garcia: Silver Nitrate (Hardcover, 2023, Del Rey) 4 stars

Montserrat has always been overlooked. She’s a talented sound editor, but she’s left out of …

A fun exploration of mid-'90s Mexico, however the plot was abit predictable. #Bookstodon

2 stars

As always, a fun jaunt to Mexico by Moreno-Garcia, however this foray into "horror" was not my thing. The magical lacked the detailed complexity I would have expected from the author. She did write one of the protagonists, Tristán, masterfully as a total dick.

China Miéville: The Scar (Paperback, 2004, Del Rey) 4 stars

A mythmaker of the highest order, China Mieville has emblazoned the fantasy novel with fresh …

I read the first book back in my Masters a decade ago. I've been craving this type of world/vibe and apparently each book in this series are highly acclaimed. Ok, let's go!

Yeesh, ~27 h audiobook. Beefy.

R. F. Kuang: Yellowface (Hardcover, 2023, HarperCollins Publishers Limited) 4 stars

What's the harm in a pseudonym? New York Times bestselling sensation Juniper Song is not …

The reader plays the judge and jury as the author weaves thoughts and themes of diversity quotas, reverse racism, and white woman tears #bookstodon

4 stars

Artistic writing. Even though you hate the protagonist from the first chapter, the author leaves it up to you to decide how much and how far you disagree with her actions. Engaging read in surprising ways