Reviews and Comments


Joined 2 years, 8 months ago

(she/her) I've started a lifelong phase focusing on books written by women of colour

=============== 2023 stats ===============

38% of the authors I read were women of colour 40% was nonfiction 49% of the fiction was SFFH 33% were published in 2023 76% were published in the last 10 years From 130 abandoned books I read approximately 1094 pages over 37h

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Ken Liu, Hao Jingfang: Jumpnauts (AudiobookFormat, 2024, Simon and Schuster) 3 stars


3 stars

He repeatedly disrespects boundaries—but she's intrigued. He also happens to be an astronomer-hacker who is tall, handsome, wealthy, and an expert martial artist. The first 60% doesn't stretch beyond that level of groundwork. Once they meet extraterrestrials, the interactions still ring petulant. Also I thought Ken Liu was a better translator. Was he in a rush?