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Joined 6 months, 2 weeks ago

appreciator of lesbian fantasy fiction. enjoyer of poetry. puncher of nazis.

literature/linguistics major, São Paulo University.

Languages: pt-br, en, ja, de.

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»Ich werde mit dem Augenblick beginnen, als ich dich bekommen habe […] um meine Geschenke auszupacken. An erster Stelle warst du es…«

the old custom of personifying diaries. I wonder if this helps. maybe we would today talk bitterly, or apologetically, but you can have a dialog with the page about your difficulties with the page...

Anne Frank: Gesamtausgabe (Hardcover, 2013, FISCHER, S.) No rating

Diese Art, Tagebuch zu schreiben, finde ich viel schöner, und ich kann die Stunde fast nich abwarten, wenn ich Zeit habe, in dich zu schreiben. [28.09.42]

Gesamtausgabe by  (Page 15)

And not felt as a chore or grim duty. At least not here; dunno if the mood persists. But is it possible for us too, us little prisoners of cellphones and shiny rectangles—to look forward to writing…?

commented on Gesamtausgabe by Anne Frank

Anne Frank: Gesamtausgabe (Hardcover, 2013, FISCHER, S.) No rating

Manuscriptics of Anne Frank's diary: - version a: The original Kitty, written for herself. - version b: The edited version that she prepared for posterity, after hearing the speech of the exiled minister. - version c: A condensed version from a. and b., edited by her father, who wanted to realise his dead daughter's wishes that it would be published as a witness to the age. (I believe here is where the lesbian passages were omitted, along with the ones with negative feelings about her mother.) - version d: if I get this correctly, a maximalist critical edition by the Anne Frank Fonds, intended to combat denialism (see below).

This edition's main translation is based on d., plus five pages discovered/published in the late 20th century. And it also includes the full text of a. and b. as appendices. I appreciate the extensiveness of scholarship, and I like to imagine …

Anne Frank: Gesamtausgabe (Hardcover, 2013, FISCHER, S.) No rating

Dann hörte sie im Radio aus London den niederländischen Erziehungsminister im Exil, der davon sprach, dass man nach dem Krieg alles über die Leiden des niederländischen Volkes während der deutschen Besatzung sammeln und veröffentlichen müsse. Als Beispiel führte er unter anderem Tagebücher an...

Gesamtausgabe by  (Page 11)

What the minister feels to Anne, Anne feels to me. How can I read this and her diary and not think, "denn da ist keine Stelle / die dich nicht sieht. Du mußt dein Leben ändern"?

I think of Isherwood and Schwarzenfeld and that I should keep my own register, that can be read by people in the future and they'll know, they'll know it all happened again... but the thing is, if I write about my experiences frankly, the diary itself would put me at risk. And if I don't write frankly, what is the point?

commented on Gesamtausgabe by Anne Frank

Anne Frank: Gesamtausgabe (Hardcover, 2013, FISCHER, S.) No rating

things learned from the foreword:

  • Anne was from Frankfurt am Main.
  • Otto (her father), the only survivor of the family, was the founder of the Anne Frank Fonds.
  • Anne wrote in a cute, not at all neat, rounded ball-and-stick roman. Pretty similar to my own handwriting, come to think of. The page shown as a sample has a smaller note taped to it; this note has some cursive exercises at the bottom. (At least I think they're exercises; they're hard to follow for the non-initiated, likely an equivalent to German Kurrent, but most letters in the two sample lines seem to be single or in pairs.)

commented on Der Thron der Sieben Königreiche by George R. R. Martin (Das Lied von Eis und Feuer, #3)

George R. R. Martin: Der Thron der Sieben Königreiche (Paperback, German language, 2011, blanvalet) 5 stars

Die Zeiten sind aus den Fugen geraten: Der Sommer des Friedens und der Fülle, der …

"Holand Reet" however is a bad translation. The whole point of Howland Reed is that the crannogmen have a moving court that can hide from enemies in the marshlands. Come on? Howl's Moving Castle? (who was still called Howl in „Sophie im Schloss des Zauberers“, so no excuse there).