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liam πŸ“š

Joined 1Β year, 11Β months ago

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liam πŸ“š's books

To Read (View all 5)

Currently Reading

Terry Pratchett: Going Postal (2014, Penguin Random House) 4 stars

Suddenly, condemned arch-swindler Moist von Lipwig found himself with a noose around his neck and …

'Ah, I see you're admirin' my hair, sir,' said Groat proudly, as the toupee spun gently. 'It's all mine, you know, not a prunes.'

'Er… prunes?' said Moist.

'Sorry, sir, shouldn't have used slang. Prunes as in "syrup of prunes", sir. Dimwell slang.* Syrup of prunes: wig.'

*The Dimwell Street rhyming slang is probably unique in that it does not, in fact, rhyme. No one knows why, but theories so far advanced are 1) that it is quite complex and in fact follows hidden rules or 2) Dimwell is well named or 3) it's made up to annoy strangers, which is the case with most such slangs.

Going Postal by  (Page 43)

I'm taking a break from this book, but the line "Syrup of prunes: wig" still pops into my head at random.

Terry Pratchett: Going Postal (2014, Penguin Random House) 4 stars

Suddenly, condemned arch-swindler Moist von Lipwig found himself with a noose around his neck and …

Ye gods, thought Moist, back in the here-and-now, no wonder Groat sucked cough sweets all the time, the dust in this place could choke you!

He rummaged in his pocket and pulled out the diamond-shaped cough lozenge the old man had given him. It looked harmless enough.

One minute later, after Mr Pump had lurched into the room and slapped him heavily on the back, the steaming lozenge was stuck to the wall on the far side of the room where, by morning, it had dissolved quite a lot of the plaster.

Going Postal by  (Page 66)